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Stud Köhncke


Legal notice


Stud Köhncke
and Hanno Köhncke
Dorfstraße 52
23619 Badendorf

Telephone (+49) 0451-492428
Fax (+49) 0451-4946316

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The use of the contact details of the legal notice for commercial advertisement is expressly undesired, except if the supplier gave their consent in writing beforehand or in the case of a pre-existing business relationship. The supplier and all persons mentioned on this website hereby object to any commercial use or propagation of their data.



1. Liability limitation

The content of this website has been established with the highest possible care. All the same, the supplier can not be liable for the accuracy, integrity and currentness of the provided content. The use of the website’s content is at the user’s own risk. Contributions signed by name reflect the opinions of their respective authors and not always the opinions of the supplier. The simple use of the supplier’s website does not lead to a contractual relationship between the user and the supplier.


2. External links

This website comports links to third parties' websites (“external links”). These websites are subject to the liability of their respective operators. The supplier checked the external contents for possible violations of the law the first time the external links were established. No violations of the law were apparent at that time. The supplier has no influence whatsoever on the current and future configuration and contents of the linked sites. The establishment of external links does not mean that the supplier claims the contents of the references or links as his own. A permanent control of the external links is not to be reasonably expected from the supplier without concrete evidence of an infringement. However, the external links will be immediately removed as soon as such an infringement comes to be known.


3. Copyright and ancillary copyright

The content published on this website is subject to the German copyright and ancillary copyright. Any exploitation not authorised by the German copyright and ancillary copyright shall first be the object of a written authorisation of the supplier or the respective holder of rights. This applies particularly to the duplication, editing, translation, saving, processing and reproduction of the content in databases or other electronic media and systems. The contents and rights of third parties are identified as such. The unauthorised duplication or propagation of part or the totality of the content is forbidden and liable to prosecution. The production of copies and downloads for a personal, private and non-commercial use only is authorised.

The representation of this website in external pages is admissible only with a written authorisation.


4. Data protection

Through the use of the supplier’s website, information about the access (date, time, browsed pages) can be stored. This data is not personal data, and is on the contrary anonymous. It is used exclusively for statistical purposes. It is not communicated to third parties for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

The supplier warns explicitly that the communication of data on the Internet (i.e. communication via e-mail) is prone to security lapses, and can not be completely protected against access by third parties.

The use of the contact details of the legal notice for commercial advertisement is expressly undesired, except if the supplier gave their consent in writing beforehand or in the case of a pre-existing business relationship. The supplier and all persons mentioned on this website hereby object to any commercial use or propagation of their data.

NB: In the event of a dispute relative to the legal notice, the German version is considered binding.